City of Birmingham School - Behaviour Support Team
Behaviour Support Team 2023 – 24
Because all schools deserve
first class behaviour support
“ “ “It has been a pleasure working with the COBS Behaviour Support team. They are extremely knowledgeable, very supportive and well respected by all staff. Their professionalism is exemplary and advice invaluable.” Cofton Primary
“ A high-quality behaviour intervention targeting pupils with specific behaviour issues and tailored to their individual needs. The insightful feedback supports the implementation of key strategies to help pupils develop their self-regulation, social and emotional skills.” Hall Green Secondary School
Welcome The COBS Behaviour Support Team is the traded arm of the City of Birmingham School, Birmingham’s Pupil Referral Unit for excluded and at risk learners. We are a team of highly experienced teachers with a track record of success supporting and re-engaging some of the city’s most challenging and disaffected youngsters. We deliver tailored programmes of support and training to over 100 schools across the West Midlands, promoting positive behaviour management strategies and helping schools deliver first class inclusive practice.
“ “We have worked with the Behaviour Support Team for a number of years. Our worker has supported some of our most challenging children and delivered valuable staff training. We find the provision from COBS a good investment for our behaviour management across the school. Students make good progress, enjoy the sessions and often identify them as one of the strategies that help them to succeed. Our exclusion rates have remained low for a number of years and the expertise we receive from the Behaviour Support Team is definitely a factor.” Aston Manor Academy
In School Support We offer advice and support at all levels, from reviewing school systems and policies to direct intervention work with pupils themselves. We work alongside teachers to develop robust and effective classroom management plans, offer training around all aspects of complex and challenging behaviour and support the assessment of pupils for SSPPs and EHCPs. By providing early and targeted support through a holistic, child-centred approach, the Behaviour Support Team aims to: remove barriers to learning, help children achieve the most from their education, reduce exclusions and support the best inclusive practice. We are very flexible in our approach and our work is always tailored to the unique needs of individual schools.
“ “ COBS have been very much part of our school for several years. They have provided staff training, parent workshops and worked directly with pupils which has enabled us to support some of our most challenging children” The Oaks Primary School
Pupil Support • In class observations of individual pupils and the development of effective support plans • Participation in multi-agency meetings and support for SSPP and EHCP assessment process • Individual and small group support sessions around areas such as anger management, social skills, stress and anxiety, active citizenship, character education and building self-esteem • Intensive 1:1 support for pupils at risk of exclusion Classroom Support • Focussed lesson observations and the sharing of effective classroom management strategies • Developing whole class behaviour management plans for consistent best practice • Coaching and advice to maximise the effectiveness of teaching and support staff Whole School Support • Whole school behaviour audit and review of current policy and procedures • Learning and behaviour walks to develop consistent whole school strategies • Strategic advice for supporting pupils with complex additional needs Examples of Our Work • Twilight and Inset day training focussed on positive behaviour management approaches and SEMH support
“ “The BST provide clear, helpful advice, always accessible, there when you need them!” Nonsuch Primary
Special Projects
East Birmingham Network DLP project Our team has been supporting schools in East Birmingham to develop SEMH provision across the network. This innovative project has seen BST staff working in collaboration with other specialist services to pilot a new approach to whole school, SEMH support. Next year we will build on the success of this model and deliver phase 2 of the project. We believe strongly that an effective, universal SEMH strategy should underpin every school curriculum. Partnership with Birmingham Virtual School The Behaviour Support Team is working in partnership with Birmingham Virtual School to deliver additional, funded support for Children In Care. If you have CIC pupils in your school, who you feel would benefit from additional behaviour support, then do talk to your ESA about accessing this offer. Our aim is for this to be an earlier intervention strategy, so please don’t wait until the point of crisis before making a referral. Improving Behaviour Course This year the BST was commissioned by Oaks Collegiate to run an off-site Improving Behaviour Course for KS3 pupils in need of additional support. Pupils have gained a greater understanding of what drives their behaviour and developed individual support plans for future success. The courses have proved to be popular and well received by schools. Interested in commissioning an innovative, collaborative project for your MAT or school network? Please contact Ben Dunlop to start the conversation… “ “Schools in the East Birmingham Network have achieved impressive outcomes based on the reduction in SEND exclusions. The COBS Behaviour Support Team have been vital to this outcome due to the high-quality intervention work and staff training they have delivered in schools.” East Network DLP
BST Training The Behaviour Support Team delivers a wide range of practical and engaging training sessions to schools and other education providers. BST Training can be accessed via our popular In School Support packages, or bought in separately as stand-alone, independent events. Some of our most regularly requested training options are; ADHD Support – understanding and supporting pupils with ADHD Autism Aware – strategies to best support Autistic pupils in your school Keep Calm & De-escalate – how to keep low level behaviour low level Mindfulness & Emotional Wellbeing – strategies to aid relaxation and reduce anxiety for all Positive Behaviour Management – explore the dual role that consistent systems and positive relationships play in building a happier and more productive learning environment Lunchtime Supervisor Training – a blueprint for safe and enjoyable social times
“ Thank you for visiting Parkfield today and delivering the CPD for our Lunchtime Supervisors. The feedback from staff was really positive, there was a high level of engagement, some really valuable discussions and lots to take away! The staff felt so comfortable to raise concerns and to be reflective, the climate you created was perfect for this to happen” Parkfield Community School
“ Support from the COBS Behavior Support Team is spot on and their training is always outstanding!” Parkhill School
Our highly experienced Team Teach instructors are licensed to deliver Level 1 (6 hr) and Level 2 (12 hr) courses to all Birmingham schools. These courses offer bespoke de-escalation and positive handling training with an emphasis on promoting and protecting positive relationships. We explore the legal framework, the nature of conflict and a range of verbal and non verbal de-escalation strategies alongside effective positive handling techniques and the subsequent recording, reporting and reviewing processes. COBS Behaviour Support Team hold an Area Operating License for Birmingham so can deliver this training to all staff (Local Authority, Academy, Independent, Agency). Please contact the team for further guidance and pricing. Team Teach Training
“ Thank you for today. Staff reported that it was the best Team Teach training they had ever received!” Colmers Farm Primary School
“ The trainers were excellent, delivering the theoretical and practical elements of the course in a calm and positive manner at all times. Support was provided where necessary so that all staff were left feeling secure in the techniques demonstrated” Moseley Church of England Primary School
Our Packages Schools can buy in our support as a one off consultation, but most opt for a package of hours. These hours can be used for in school support activities or training delivery as required. Clusters of schools and
Multi Academy Trusts are welcome to share a package of hours and distribute them according to need. All of our packages run from September to July and prices for 2023/24 are as follows…
Number of hours
Package price
Delivery model
One off consultation
1 – 2 hours per term
3 – 4 hours per term
5 hours per term
6 – 7 hours per term
1 hour per week
2 hours per week
3 hours per week
To request a package of support for 2023/24 please visit our website and complete an online Behaviour Support request form. To discuss your CPD and TeamTeach training requirements please contact:
Contact Details
0121 464 5829
07949 593 258
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